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The Ottawa Citizen: Persecuted

Nov. 28, 2000 |   Pamela McLennan

Monday 27 November 2000

Professor KunLun Zhang was "sentenced," without a trial or being formally charged with a crime, to three years in a labour camp. A labour camp is a euphemism for a jail.

Mr. Zhang is just one of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners in China who are being persecuted by the Chinese government.

Every day, people are beaten and arrested for exercising their constitutional right to appeal to their government for the right to practise Falun Gong.

Once they are arrested or even just detained after admitting to practising Falun Gong, people are treated in the most horrific ways.

Our government as well as Canadians individually must express our total intolerance of China's policy of using the most severe, repressive and extreme measures to eliminate Falun Gong.

Falun Gong is a peaceful way of life that benefits individuals and society as a whole. It should be encouraged -- not abolished.

Pamela McLennan,
