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"Come Quickly! A Call from Overseas Falun Gong Practitioners!"

February 09, 2002 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Having overcome my fear and filling myself with righteous thoughts, like many other overseas practitioners, I picked up the phone to call people in China. I edit the stories of those who commit crimes against Falun Gong in China and turn these stories into "news items." After the call goes through, I speak in the tone of a news broadcaster. Throughout the process, I remain calm, peaceful and full of kindness. Most of the people who pick up the phone think that the "news" is a taped message and react to it quite naturally. I have received various responses through these calls.

Here is one of the phone calls that I made. I started with, "Hi, this is a call from overseas. I would like to share some important news with you..." The woman who picked up the phone almost jumped, "Come quickly! A call from overseas Falun Gong practitioners." I could hear the noise of the office subside. Another woman snatched the phone and said, "Let me hear. This is really a call from Falun Gong practitioners." I repeated the "news" twice, and the woman listened carefully. I continued, "For the future of yourself and your family, please treat Falun Gong practitioners well. It is a universal principle that good is rewarded with good and evil is met with evil. Thanks for listening." Right after I said that, a man who was on the phone asked other people to come over and said, "Come to listen to Falun Gong's taped message! It calls for the end of the persecution. It said that a man who persecuted Falun Gong has received retribution and contracted cancer."

Usually, many people take turns listening to a phone call. I often repeat the "news' several times. Although there is no conversation and the call lasts only a few minutes, I use my purest and most righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil that lurks behind the people with whom I talk. My "news" is relayed in such a peaceful and genuine manner that the audience can let go of their misunderstanding and confusion about Dafa. Through such a brief encounter, they get the chance to feel the forbearance and benevolence of Dafa practitioners.

If each overseas practitioner makes a daily phone call to China, thousands upon thousands of Chinese people will have the opportunity of knowing the truth about Dafa. The whole family, or even a group of people, will be saved from just one phone call to one person. A phone call takes only a few minutes of our time, yet it is extremely precious to those who do not know about the truth of Dafa.

This is my understanding, and I welcome comments from other practitioners.