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Berlin Police Said: "Jiang is Afraid to See People Who Wear Yellow or Blue Clothes."

April 18, 2002 |   Written by Dafa practitioners in Europe

(Clearwisdom.net) During the three days when Jiang stayed in Berlin, there were opportunities for him to meet Dafa practitioners everyday, in the hotel, on the way to parties, to the Townhall, to the palace and the park, the front doors, the back doors etc. There were practitioners who unfurled banners, there were practitioners who told him: "Falun Dafa is Good," and there were practitioners who sent forth righteous thoughts.

Jiang became more and more frightened every day, and he continued to impose diplomatic pressure on the German government. The police had to impose the curfew more strictly and more widely every day. Whenever they saw people wearing yellow and blue clothes, and yellow and blue scarves, they would keep them back quite a distance far away from Jiang.

A German female practitioner wore a yellow scarf and walked on the road across from the hotel where Jiang stayed, and police quickly ran to the practitioner and stopped her from passing.

The practitioner questioned: "Why can't I pass through the road just like everyone else?"

Police: "Because you wear a yellow scarf."

Question: "Is there any regulation which disallows German citizens from wearing a yellow scarf?"

Police: "No no, it's because that is an order from above: people in yellow are not allowed to pass through."

Question: "Don't you think this is ridiculous?"

Police: (paused) "Yes, but I can only obey the order."

Once Jiang was going out of the hotel, a curfew had been imposed on the street. A few policemen blocked Dafa practitioners more than 10 meters away. The practitioner asked, "Why do you have to guard against us in particular? You are trying so hard to protect a person who has tortured so many innocent people, and we are not even allowed the right to appeal, is this just?" The policeman was silent, at the end, he apologized and said: "There is something you don't know. Jiang is afraid to see people in yellow and blue. He warned our president that if he sees any more people in yellow and blue, he will discontinue his visit to Germany. Therefore, our president ordered us to guard people in yellow and blue from getting near Jiang."

This is the reason...

Yet, Jiang Zemin could never have believed that after this warning, Dafa practitioners made themselves seen in front of him again and again, with their clothes of yellow and blue, the yellow banners, and let him hear the voice of practitioners saying: "Falun Dafa is Good."