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Japan: Practitioners Hold Conference to Share Cultivation Experiences

Oct. 6, 2022 |   By Falun Dafa practitioners in Japan

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners in Japan held a conference to exchange their cultivation experiences at the Edogawa-Ku Sogo Bunkacenter on October 2, 2022.

Practitioners held a conference at the Edogawa-Ku Sogo Bunkacenter on October 2, 2022.

Practitioners from all over Japan including Hokkaido, the most northern part of the country, Akita, Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Kumamot, Fukuoka, Hiroshima and Okinawa attended the conference. Twenty two practitioners read their papers and talked about how they looked within and got rid of attachments in the process of saving sentient beings. Among the speakers were practitioners who have practiced for over 20 years and some who began to practice several months ago.

Anxiety Disappears Less Than a Week after Doing the Exercises

Ms. Okamoto raised her son alone only to discover he did not meet her expectations after he started high school. She felt frustrated. She saw an introduction describing online Falun Dafa classes in the Epoch Times and signed up at once.

A miracle happened less than a week after she learned the exercises. Her right hand that was injured at work returned to normal and no matter how tired she was, it did not hurt. In addition, her anxiety vanished. In the past, she cared too much about people’s comments about her and was afraid of making mistakes at work. She was worried about people criticizing her behind her back and was under constant stress at work fearing she would make the same mistakes.

Through studying the teachings and cultivating her character, she gradually learned to be calm no matter what her coworkers said to her. She was able to deal with problems calmly and made fewer mistakes. Her co-workers began to trust her and her relationship with them improved day by day. She said in her speech, “All these positive changes happened thanks to Falun Dafa.”

She also shared an incident that happened to her son last May. He forgot to bring his notebook computer to school. She rode her bicycle to catch up with him and saw him at an intersection. She shouted, “You forgot your notebook.” Just then, a car suddenly appeared and stopped just 30 cm (12 incluces0 away from her. The car had driven into the intersection even though the light was red. Ms. Okamoto said that if she had not called out to her son in time, he might have been hit by the car.

She thanked Master Li and said, “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good! Master, thank you for your protection.”

Getting Rid of Selfishness, Coordinating with Others While Participating in Truth Clarification Projects

Ms. Shimizu from Kansai region shared her cultivation experiences while working on media projects. Her team recently received feedback that programs from the Kansai region were lacking. She discovered this was because she did not want to feel under pressure by looking at other practitioners’ shortcomings. This led to her reluctance to participate in the project proactively. She also realized she did not want to sacrifice her personal time.

As she kept studying the Fa, she slowly got rid of the selfish thought of hoping the project would advance in line with her own rhythm. Although she worked hard for many days without taking a rest, she no longer found it hard. Instead, she thought it was natural that she should make use of her time to work on projects to validate the Fa. She discovered that she felt under pressure when she saw the faults of other practitioners because she did not have enough forbearance and lacked the capability as well as wisdom to help close the gaps.

Looking back at when she just started in the project, she realized other practitioners quietly assisted her in many ways. In contrast, when she saw inadequacies in other people, she did not think of doing anything to make things better. She also enlightened that she saw shortcomings in other practitioners because she also had shortcomings. Their behavior was like a mirror reflecting her faults.

Coordinating well in projects will bring better results. In order to coordinate well, she thought two conditions must be met. First, one must consider what is best for saving sentient beings and the project. Second, one must be considerate of other practitioners. She said, “If you have selfish thoughts or your motives are not pure, the cooperation will not be as perfect.”

Experiencing the Power of Righteous Thoughts

Mr. Gao from the Kansai region was very ill when he was young. He had no choice but to leave it to fate after doctors failed to cure him. When he was in primary school, his illiterate grandmother asked him to help her read Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa. Thus he got to read Zhuan Falun from cover to cover. Afterwards he felt happy and relaxed as if he had taken off a piece of old and dirty clothing. He began practicing Falun Dafa 20 years ago and his health completely changed. He is now extremely healthy.

He shared his experiences while telling people about the persecution at the tourist attraction in Asakusa. In the beginning, he wrote down what he wanted to say on slips of paper, planning to tell people about Falun Dafa in different ways. One time, after reading what he wrote down to an elderly man from China, the man did not say anything. Mr. Gao was so nervous that he was covered in sweat. Caught in this embarrassing moment, the practitioner next to him asked, “Sir, have you read Zhuan Falun?” The man started to speak all at once and said his illness was cured through practicing Falun Dafa years ago. He took the information and even agreed to withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Mr. Gao asked the practitioner afterwards how he knew the man read Zhuan Falun. The practitioner replied that he did not know. He just suddenly had that thought. Through this incident, Mr. Gao understood that to clarify the truth to people face to face, he must first know what is the truth and understand the significance of knowing the facts. Only then will the words he says succeed in getting Chinese people to quit the CCP.

Another time, he ran into a tour guide who refused to let the tourists he led take Falun Dafa fliers. Mr. Gao had only one thought, to clarify the truth. With a pure heart and no fear, he felt his whole dimension was enveloped by a yellow light. He felt strong energy flowing in his body. He explained the facts to people holding the display board. The tour guide began to make a scene. Mr. Gao said to him, “You stand over there.” Indeed, the tour guide did not utter a word and walked to one side. In the end, most of the tourists agreed to renounce their membership in the CCP after learning the truth. Mr. Gao said this showed the power of righteous thoughts.

Practitioners Benefit From Attending the Conference

Mr. Terasaki from Saga Prefecture said he was greatly encouraged listening to sharings from so many practitioners.

Mr. Terasak from Saga Prefecture was encouraged by many of the practitioners’ experiences.

He said, “One practitioner talked about how her cultivation improved while recording for a project. I thought I too should work even harder in the project I am involved in. Like her, I had a similar dream telling me time is pressing. If I don’t seize the time, I will lose the chance to save people who should be saved.”

“I am also impressed by the practitioner’s experience about clarifying the truth to Chinese people at the tourist attraction in Asakusa. According to reports on Minghui.org, from August to September this year, nearly 1000 practitioners were arrested in China, and 30 were forced to take blood tests. The CCP’s persecution of Falun Dafa continues, the organ harvesting is still happening. As long as the persecution doesn’t end, we should continue to tell people about what is happening in China.”

Ms. Hirai who traveled from Hiroshima said she was deeply moved by the sharings.

Ms. Hirai from Hiroshima said, “This is the first time I attended a Fa conference in Japan. Practitioners talked about how they got rid of attachments and progressed in cultivation while saving sentient beings. I am deeply moved. My life was full of setbacks before I started to practice cultivation. I will regard the practitioners' experiences as a force to motivate me in cultivation and walk steadfastly on the rest of my cultivation path.”

Mr. Hoshino who came all the way from Hokkaido in Northern Japan to attend the conference said he gained a lot from the trip. He also found gaps between him and other practitioners. Everyone who spoke at the conference showed strong conviction in Master and Dafa. They truly respect Master and the Fa. They safeguarded the Fa more than their lives, and they eliminated their human notions.

He said, “I encourage myself at times by saying, “You have obtained the Fa, there is nothing to be afraid of. In fact, if you truly obtained the Fa, you must act according to what Master says. Only then am I truly practicing cultivation.” Therefore, I still have a huge gap. Perhaps I have the chance to make amends but I must do the three things well from now on and be more diligent in practicing cultivation.”

The conference concluded at 6 p.m.