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Don’t Disclose the Authorship of Experience Sharing Articles Published on Minghui

Dec. 12, 2022 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I’d like to point out a very bad habit some of our local practitioners have. That is, as soon as some local practitioner’s sharing article gets published by Minghui.org, there will be people who reveal to all in which district, township, or village in our region the person who wrote that article lives. 

I feel that such behavior reflects the tale-tellers’ attachments to showing off, zealotry, and curiosity. It will also pose security risks to the practitioners who published the articles. Even if the person revealing identities happens to be the author him or herself, such behavior is still imprudent for security concerns.

The Minghui website has set a very good example for all of us in paying attention to security issues. It does everything possible to protect us who are still being persecuted in China. Except for persecution articles, it never publicizes our personal information. Most of the time, it just says the article is written by a practitioner in a certain city or a certain province. Many practitioners don’t have a pen name either, as that would also promote the attachment to fame. 

Some practitioners also emailed everyone their articles after submitting them to Minghui. I think this is also not necessary and may bring certain security concerns. Before the article is published, it’s not appropriate to spread it on a large scale, as we don’t know if the views shared in the article align with the Fa or not. 

I don’t know if such a situation exists in other regions, but I hope we can all keep security in mind and measure everything we do against the Fa.

Editor’s note: This article only represents the author’s understanding in their current cultivation state meant for sharing among practitioners so that we can “Compare in studying, compare in cultivating.” (“Solid Cultivation,” Hong Yin)