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My Understanding about Dafa Practitioners “Coming Down with COVID”

Dec. 27, 2022 |   By Zheng Nian, a Falun Dafa practitioner in Hebei Province, China

(Minghui.org) Master Li (the founder of Falun Dafa) explained to us in the article “Wake Up” the reason behind the COVID pandemic, as well as some shortcomings that many Falun Dafa practitioners still have. Now the pandemic is sweeping across China again. As far as I know, almost every family in my area has been infected, with most people having relatively mild symptoms, including some practitioners. 

How should we look at the sudden surge of COVID cases? I’d like to share some understandings below.

The Pandemic Is Here to Weed Out Communist Party Members

As Master told us in “Wake Up,” the pandemic is here to weed out members and followers of the Chinese Communist Party. Since the surge of cases in December, a large number of die-hard CCP members have died of COVID, with many being celebrities, or elites in academia, as well as in the fields of science and technology, and the education field. These are facts that people cannot deny. 

Why Are Some Practitioners Also “Infected”?

As Dafa practitioners, we know that our bodies are composed of high energy matter, and any virus attacking us will be disintegrated by our own energy. But why have many practitioners also developed COVID symptoms?

Master taught us, 

“If you ask me, I will just tell you one thing: it is because you are a cultivator that you experienced that, and since you are a cultivator, those things—whether they seem positive or negative—are all good. (Enthusiastic applause) That’s because they were put in place for you so that you can improve yourself on your cultivation path.” (“Fa Teaching Given at the 2014 San Francisco Fa Conference,” Collected Fa Teachings, Vol. XIII)

My understanding is that because we are still cultivating, there must be tests and tribulations in one way or another for us to make improvements. Maybe the tribulations come in the form of COVID symptoms and it’s to see whether our hearts are moved. Of course, it’s arranged by the old forces and we shouldn’t acknowledge it. We should just cultivate ourselves according to the Fa

We Should Look at Things from the Fa’s Perspective

I was hit by a bus while riding a motorcycle in October 2012 and had a fractured clavicle. I felt extremely weak after the surgery. Most people might stay in the hospital for at least a few weeks. But I thought to myself, “I’m a Dafa practitioner. How can I lie in bed like this?” I decided to get out of bed and I walked around in the hospital. When I came back to my room, I was completely fine, as if nothing had happened. I was discharged three days later. 

Master taught us,

“Ordinary people don’t know that all of this is encompassed by the expression “the appearance stems from the mind.” So, put another way, one’s own factors can in fact change one’s surroundings. “Cultivate yourself” and “search within” are words that I have said in a very straightforward and clear manner. (Laughing) But, there aren’t that many people who give these words due weight. What I was describing holds true for Dafa disciples when they do things.” (“Fa Teaching Given at the Epoch Times Meeting,” Collected Fa Teachings, Vol. X)

When a Dafa practitioner develops the symptoms of COVID, it’s important that we let go of fear and don’t acknowledge it; otherwise we may truly invite trouble for ourselves.


After all, as a Dafa cultivator, we need to base our thinking on the Fa under all circumstances. No matter what tribulation we may encounter, we need to keep in mind the three things that Master requires of us. Only when we keep up with Fa study, send forth righteous thoughts and clarify the facts, are we truly cultivating ourselves and fulfilling our historic mission. 

I’d like to end my sharing with a paragraph from “Teaching the Fa at the Washington, D.C. International Fa Conference” in Guiding the Voyage,

“Get rid of any attachment you have, and don’t think about anything. Just do everything a Dafa disciple should do, and everything will be covered.”

Above is my understanding at my limited level. I welcome fellow practitioners to point out anything improper.