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Blessed by Dafa, People’s Health and Minds Improve

Dec. 30, 2022 |   By Mu Qien, a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) Due to Falun Dafa practitioners’ persistent efforts to raise awareness about the practice over the past two decades, many people have understood the facts about it and support us. Below are examples of how people have been blessed for supporting Dafa.

Young Mother Helps to Spread Dafa

Jing is a young mother. Her parents have practiced Dafa for many years and she witnessed their good health and harmonious family life. Although Jing doesn’t practice Dafa herself, she fully supports her parents.

A few years ago Jing had a problem with her leg. To save money so that her child could go to school, she didn’t see a doctor. Later on, her husband, who worked out of town, found out about her leg and urged her to get it examined. The doctor said that she had tendon necrosis.

Jing decided to skip the treatment and, instead, began to recite the auspicious phrases “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good.” Before she realized it, her leg stopped hurting and she was just fine.

Several months ago, she noticed two lumps in her breast. She recited the phrases again and the lumps slowly shrank. When her husband came home for the New Year, he went with Jing to the hospital. Two different doctors confirmed that the lumps had completely disappeared.

The teacher of Jing’s child was diagnosed with uterine cancer and had to quit her job and be treated. Jing went to visit her and told her about the health benefits of Falun Dafa.

The teacher was very receptive. Weeks later, the teacher called Jing and said she was feeling better after reciting the auspicious phrases and she was very interested in learning more about Falun Dafa.

Jing gave the teacher a copy of Zhuan Falun, the main text of Dafa. She was overjoyed. She also quit the Chinese Communist Party. Not long after, she completely recovered and resumed teaching. She also began to clarify the facts about Dafa to her students.

Leukemia Disappears

Han suffered from poor health since she was a child. She was diagnosed with leukemia, and the doctor advised her never to have a baby, that her body wasn’t strong enough. Her parents spent a fortune looking for a cure for her, but they could only prevent her condition from worsening.

Later on, Han’s father began to practice Falun Dafa, and the entire family benefited. Han recovered from her disease and then found a government job with good pay. After she got married, she gave birth to a healthy boy and her husband also found a job in the government.

Let Go of the Pursuit of Personal Gains

From the time she was little, Qing was competitive and aggressive and never wanted to lose. After her grandmother began to practice Falun Dafa, she taught Qing the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. Gradually, Qing became more open-minded and considerate. Dafa gave her wisdom. Her grades improved, and she was admitted to her favorite school and found a good job after graduation.

Qing is well-liked where she works. She came in first at the annual performance evaluation. However, the person in second place bribed the manager, who swapped Qing’s award for hers. After Qing found out, she laughed it off and didn’t take it to heart.

Another time, Qing’s grandmother mailed her some vegetables and buns. When the package arrived, the food had been crushed. Her aunt urged her to seek compensation from the shipping company, but Qing let it go.

Elderly Man Recovers from a Stroke

An elderly man living in the countryside had a severe heart condition and a minor stroke, but he couldn’t afford to see a doctor and had to bear the pain.

A Falun Dafa practitioner later clarified the facts to him and urged him to recite the auspicious phrases “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good.” The practitioner also gave him a small media player with podcasts of practitioners’ stories and people being blessed for supporting Dafa.

The man understood the facts and often listened to podcasts. He said he almost could recite them. He asked the practitioner to download more programs for him.

Without him noticing it, his symptoms disappeared and he is now full of energy. He said Falun Dafa’s Master saved his life.