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Taking the Initiative to Negate the Persecution

Dec. 8, 2022 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Hubei Province, China

(Minghui.org) A plainclothes policeman stopped me while I was walking down the street on August 17, 2022. The policeman showed his badge and said, “We want to talk to you. Get in the car, otherwise I will use force.” I was stunned for a moment and then said I would follow him. I thought I usually don’t have the opportunity to clarify the truth to the police. 

I was taken to a police substation and then transferred to the Monitoring Center of the Wuhan City Police Department where there were a lot of surveillance monitors on the walls. 

I was handcuffed and sat on a metal chair in an interrogation room facing two policemen. The younger policeman showed me a screenshot of video surveillance printed on a piece paper and said, “You talked to a young doctor on July 31. He reported you.” “Nonsense. Call him to testify,” I replied.

I looked within and tried to find my loopholes. Looking back on my more than 20 years of cultivation, I have done the three things consistently but I often blame others when I encounter a conflict. I found more attachments within me, such as looking down on others, jealousy, resentment, lust, the attachment to comfort, and fear. 

I had also felt tired recently because I couldn’t advance in my cultivation. The authorities often harassed me. During the “zero-tolerance” campaign in 2021, police asked me to sign a guarantee statement to stop practicing Falun Gong but I refused.

The young policeman searched me and found three amulets and 40 yuan in banknotes with truth-clarification words printed on them. He asked if I used the money for grocery shopping. I didn’t answer his question because I knew they had a voice recorder running, so I said, “Over the years, I have clarified the truth to kindhearted people. Falun Gong is legal and Liu Binjie, director of the General Administration of Press and Publication of the State Department, lifted the ban on Falun Gong books. You are law enforcement but you are breaking the law when you arrest me.”

The older policeman asked if I had any evidence. I told him this was all public information that could be found online.

After a while, the young policeman handed me the notes and asked me to sign. I refused and told him not to file a case. He said the case had already been filed. They yelled at me and threatened me with jail for a year if I didn’t sign the note. I didn’t comply.

The older officer changed the topic and asked if I had any health issues. I told them that I had lumbar spinal tuberculosis, high blood pressure, and anemia before, but these illnesses disappeared after I practiced Falun Gong. 

They took me to another room to take my fingerprints. Then they asked if I had anything to share about practicing Falun Gong. I told them that Master Li, the founder of Falun Gong, taught us to cultivate Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and to be a person who is selfless and altruistic. If everyone did this, then society would be stable, I said. I told them that Falun Dafa saves all sentient beings, and this is a once in a lifetime opportunity.“If you want to know more, you can read Dafa books. This is just my personal understanding,” I said.

From the monitoring center, I was driven to the 9th People’s Hospital for a medical examination, including a blood test, a blood pressure reading, and a chest X-ray. I didn’t cooperate but they forcibly drew my blood. I asked Master in my mind to help me and let me go home. I saw that my systolic pressure was 201 but the doctor only wrote 180. I said to the doctor, “I am a good person who practices Falun Gong. Why do you cheat?”

I was taken to the Wuhan City No. 1 Detention Center. During the intake physical examination, they found that my systolic pressure was 201. I was taken to the nearby Qiaokou Hospital and it was 201 again. Because of this, the detention center refused to take me and I was released immediately. I took a taxi home.

I didn’t sign any documents or give information about fellow practitioners during the entire process. Thank you, Master, for your kind protection!