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COVID Symptoms Disappeared After Reading the “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party”

Jan. 11, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China


Master said,

“Pandemics and plagues are part of a divine plan and inevitable in the course of history.” (“Stay Rational”)

“It is here to weed out members of the Party and those who have sided with it.” (“Stay Rational”)

After I came down with COVID-like symptoms, I asked myself: “How could I come down with COVID symptoms, just like ordinary people? Some of my fellow practitioners have the same question.

Growing up while being indoctrinated by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), I believe that I have been instilled with the Communist Party culture. Although a lot of it has been eliminated through cultivation, some remained in my mind unnoticed. As the pandemic breaks out all over the nation, the remnant of the Communist Party culture in Dafa practitioners’ mind has come to the surface at various levels.

I decided to study the “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party” and take the initiative to uproot the evil specter. Some practitioners suggested I read it in the past, but I only listened to the audio recordings and watched the videos, but skipped reading the book. Some elements of the Communist Party culture must have remained in my mind.

I read the first 32 pages of the commentaries one evening and felt comfortable the next morning. Almost all my discomforts were gone. My cough stopped. The thick mucus was gone. I could breathe easily. I had experienced some bruising on my gums for over a month, and it was gone too the next morning.

I have finished reading half of the book and originally planned to write about my experience after I finish the whole book, but thinking of those fellow practitioners who haven’t gotten rid of the false appearance of COVID, I decide to write it now, hoping others would come up with more valuable opinions.

I suggest all practitioner read the “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party,” “Disintegrate the Communist Party Culture” and “The Ultimate Goal of Communism” and completely eliminate the hidden elements of the evil specter. We may also recommend these writings to our family and friends to help more people see the true nature of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).