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Japan: Falun Dafa Well-Received at a Celebratory Event in Hiroshima

March 12, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Japan

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners participated in a community celebratory event at the Central Community Center in Hiroshima, Japan, on March 5, 2023. Practitioners introduced the practice and demonstrated Falun Dafa’s five exercises during the event. Their demonstration was well received, and some said they wanted to learn the practice.

The celebratory event, which was suspended during the COVID-19 pandemic, was held for the first time in three years. Locals had been anticipating the event for a while. The Central Community Center is located in a district where many Chinese reside, so there were many Chinese in the audience.

Practitioners demonstrated the exercises and played the waist drums to a packed auditorium with some people standing on the sides and in the back. The atmosphere was lively.

While practitioners demonstrated the exercises on stage, audience members copied the practitioners’ movements and followed along. The people in the audience and the practitioners seemed to create a big energy field. Enthusiastic applause followed the demonstration.

Some people inquired about group practice at the Central Community Center, and some registered to attend an exercise event in the afternoon.

Practitioners demonstrated Falun Dafa’s five exercises to an enthusiastic audience in Hiroshima.

Those who attended the exercise demonstration in the afternoon felt a large energy field. Some said that they still felt warm with the windows open even though it was winter. Many of them said they felt comfortable after practicing the exercises.

Locals learn to practice the Falun Dafa exercises

One lady said that she often went to the hospital for her discomfort and disliked taking medication. She said she felt good after practicing the Falun Dafa exercises and wanted to attend a group practice site to continue doing them.

Ms. Kikkawa said that she had seen the documentary film Letter from Masanjia and was shocked. The short film tells the story of Sun Yi, a Falun Dafa practitioner forced to do slave labor for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). He and other practitioners hid a letter in a Halloween decoration that they were forced to make at Masanjia Labor Camp in Liaoning Province, China. A woman in the United States found the letter and brought it to the attention of the international community.

That was how Ms. Kikkawa learned about the ongoing persecution of Falun Dafa. She praised practitioners for their admirable spirits. She felt good after learning the exercises and decided to participate in the group practice site at the Central Community Center.

Ms. Kikkawa (right) decided to participate in group practice at the Central Community Center.