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Jilin Man Suffers Physical Condition After Serving Over Three Years for His Faith

June 11, 2023 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Jilin Province, China

(Minghui.org) A 69-year-old man from Shulan City, Jilin Province, suffered from various health issues, including diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and hypertension, after he was released from serving over three years for practicing Falun Gong.

Before Mr. Zhu Zhaoshui started practicing Falun Gong in 1998, he struggled with addiction to smoking and drinking, and frequently engaged in fights. However, his life took a complete turn after learning this ancient spiritual and meditation discipline. He became a different person and dedicated himself to caring for his wife, who suffered from the effects of a stroke for over a decade.

After the Chinese Communist Party ordered the persecution of Falun Gong in July 1999 due to its popularity, Mr. Zhu was given more than a year of forced labor for not renouncing his faith, prior to his recent prison term.

Mr. Zhu’s latest arrest took place at his home on September 10, 2019. The police confiscated his Falun Gong books during the raid. His van was also impounded. He was taken to the Shulan Detention Center after a night of interrogation at the Shulan City Police Department. He stayed in the detention center for over a year before being sentenced to three and a half years in prison and fined 2,000 yuan.

When Mr. Zhu was transferred to Gongzhuling Prison on November 6, 2020, his physical examination revealed high blood pressure. Despite his condition, he was admitted and forced to take medication, which caused his blood pressure to reach a dangerously high level. During this time, an inmate named Ma Tao was ordered to monitor Mr. Zhu and ensure that he took the pills.

Additionally, Mr. Zhu and approximately ten other practitioners in the prison were not provided with sufficient food, exacerbating his high blood pressure. 

Mr. Zhu was compelled to attend brainwashing sessions, during which inmates Liu Dapeng and Feng Kuiwen were assigned to “work” on him. Both of them had practiced Falun Gong before, but gave up under duress in prison and worked with the guards to brainwash other practitioners who remained firm in their faith. Mr. Zhu urged them not to be participate in the persecution. They refused to listen and reported him to the guards, who then arranged heavy labor for Mr. Zhu in retaliation.

One day, when the prison captain instructed inmates to walk outside at a fast pace, Mr. Zhu requested to be excused as he didn’t feel well. He was taken to see the prison doctor and was found to have extremely high blood pressure and a heart condition. He was promptly admitted to the hospital, where, a few days later, he experienced loss of control in his left hand—a symptom of a blood clot.

Mr. Zhu’s daughter called the prison to inquire about her father’s condition. Guard Zhao Xu answered the call but refused to provide any information, abruptly ending the conversation.

After spending 18 days in the hospital, Mr. Zhu was discharged and subsequently released from prison with a four-month reduction in his sentence. However, guard Li Kai extorted 4,000 yuan from his son-in-law as a condition for the term reduction.

Upon returning home, Mr. Zhu’s family took him to the hospital for a thorough checkup, which revealed that he had developed diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and hypertension. He resumed practicing Falun Gong at home and is gradually recovering.