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Bulgaria: Practitioners Hold Events Throughout May to Introduce Falun Dafa to the Public

June 14, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Bulgaria

(Minghui.org) This year marks the 31st anniversary of Falun Dafa’s public introduction. To celebrate the occasion, practitioners organized various activities in major cities across Bulgaria in May, to introduce Falun Dafa and raise awareness of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution in the past 24 years. Many people, including tourists, learned about Falun Dafa through these activities and expressed their support for practitioners.

Practitioners introduced Falun Dafa and collected signatures in Stara Zagora, Lindens City on May 7, 2023.

Practitioners held their first activity in Stara Zagora, Lindens City on May 7, 2023. They set up an information booth outside a shopping center. They also set up display boards and collected signatures on a petition calling on the Bulgarian president and government to condemn the CCP’s live organ harvesting.

Practitioners held another activity in Burgas, the fourth largest city in Bulgaria, on May 21, 2023.

Practitioners held another introductory activity in Burgas on May 21, 2023. They set up a booth on Bogoridi Avenue, a busy pedestrian area. The event was jointly organized by practitioners from the cities of Stara Zagora and Burgas.

The event organizer said, “Despite the sudden heavy rain, the petition was held as usual, and even more people learned about Falun Dafa and its benefits. Many passersby who went out for walks on Sunday learned about Falun Dafa and asked where they can learn the exercises.”

Practitioners held an event in Plovdiv on May 27, 2023.

Practitioners held another event in Plovdiv on May 27. This was the last stop of their series of activities. Practitioners from Plovdiv, Peshtra, and Kalekovc participated in the event.

The event organizer said that the location was very good, and many people stopped and read the information or signed the petition. There were many tourists on the main street, including Chinese. Some Chinese visitors carefully read the information about Falun Dafa and the CCP’s persecution.

Dimita Hitov is a local, well-known qigong enthusiast, and has talked to practitioners when they held events in Plovdiv. This time he wanted to learn more about Falun Dafa’s main book, Zhuan Falun. After talking with a practitioner he said he wanted to read this book.

A mother and her two daughters stopped by the booth. After a practitioner explained the situation to them, the mother signed the petition.

Near the end of the event, Miroslav came to the booth. She said she knew about the CCP’s crimes and was happy to sign the petition to support practitioners.

Sanita signed the petition, then asked, “How is the (persecution) evidence collected? Where can I see it?” A practitioner gave her a Bulgarian translation of Bloody Harvest, which lists the evidence of the CCP’s live organ harvesting.

Sanita holds the book Bloody Harvest.