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Falun Dafa Well Received by Students and Teachers in Northeast India

June 27, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in India

(Minghui.org) A practitioner held an introductory session about Falun Dafa at the Government Model English Primary School in Aizawl on May 23, 2023. The event was well-received by teachers and students, who learned the exercises and what Falun Dafa is.

Aizawl is located in northeast India, near Myanmar. This event came about when Neha, a practitioner from Mumbai, visited the city with her family, and contacted the Government Model English Primary School administration. When the administrators learned that Falun Dafa was taught for free and based on the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, they invited her to hold a session and introduce the practice. Neha also told the administrators about the persecution of Falun Dafa by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Neha was given twenty minutes during a morning assembly. She gave an overview of the practice to students from kindergarten to the fifth grade, along with staff, and also briefly demonstrated the exercises. At the end of exercise demonstration, the teachers and staff asked that the session be extended.

Teachers and students learn the Falun Dafa exercises during a school morning assembly.

“The exercise music is very nice,” a teacher said, “Can we extend the exercise time a little longer?”

The introductory session was extended for an additional 45 minutes, and most of the staff and students participated.

One of the teachers asked the children, “How many students will go home and practice this?” Most of the children raised their hands.

The school principal thanked Neha and invited her to visit again to show the children the exercises. “The children really enjoy (Falun Dafa),” he said.

Neha distributed informational pamphlets about Falun Dafa to all the teachers and students of the primary school, and to a nearby secondary school, the Government Chanmari Middle School. The staff members at the secondary school also invited Neha to host a Falun Dafa introductory session at their school.