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Saved from the Brink of Death with Steadfast Belief in Master and the Fa

June 28, 2023 |   By Xiao Hui, a Falun Dafa practitioners from Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) Yuan, my neighbor’s cousin, was a Falun Dafa practitioner in the past. He stopped cultivating when the nationwide persecution of Falun Dafa (also called Falun Gong) was launched in 1999. Yuan and his wife moved to a beach town of Indonesia and started a business there. 

When the tsunami hit the coast of Indonesia in 2004, Yuan got caught up by the high waters. At the brink of death, Yuan suddenly thought about Falun Dafa. He still had not forgotten Dafa and Master Li (the founder of Falun Dafa) even though he had already stopped cultivating. He repented and asked Master to save him. He promised to restart cultivating and validating Dafa. Soon, Yuan saw a piece of wood floating towards him. He climbed onto the piece of wood to stay afloat, and did not drown. He resumed cultivating Falun Dafa when he returned to China, and often told people how Master and Dafa saved him from the brink of death.

Several unforgettable events during the 20 years of my cultivation made me realize that with a steadfast belief in Master and Dafa, one can indeed be saved from the brink of death. Tears cover my face whenever I recall Master’s compassion and the blessings I’ve received. Being given a second chance in life and being saved from the brink of death several times has made me more steadfast in my belief in Dafa.

I used to get sick very easily. I was extremely weak and I lived on medications. I had no choice but retired early. I was fortunate to start practicing Falun Dafa in June 1997. By studying the Fa, cultivating my mind and heart, and practicing Falun Dafa’s exercises, I regained my health. 

Another unforgettable incident happened when I cooked a bowl of noodles one summer afternoon. While pouring the boiling hot noodle broth, my hand slipped and the broth spilled all over me. I was wearing a short-sleeved blouse, a skirt and sandals that day. My daughter was scared when she saw what happened. However, my heart was not moved. I had strong righteous thoughts because I remembered what Master had once said,

“We believe that one thought can determine the outcome of things, for better or for worse.” (The Fourth Talk, Zhuan Falun)

I said to my daughter, “I am fine. Master will protect me.” 

I did not get hurt. My family was amazed to see that I was not scalded from the boiling hot soup. They witnessed the power of Dafa and praised Dafa. Believing in Master and Dafa has turned bad situations into blessings.

My husband decided to raise pigs. He asked a relative to come help him, and I was in charge of preparing meals, cooking and taking the meals to them. This took a huge toll on me and seriously affected my cultivation. I got into a major car accident not long after. I was hit by a drunk driver and was thrown eight meters (about 26 feet) away. I was unconscious and it was not until later did I learn that a traffic officer had to stop a car to take me to the hospital. 

I found myself in a CT scan room when I regained consciousness. I felt a surge of pain and had difficulty breathing. I cried out involuntarily, “What happened to me? I cannot breathe. Please get a doctor to rescue me.”

The traffic police who took me to the hospital said, “You were in a car accident.”

Then I said, “I don’t feel well. My organs must be damaged.”

It suddenly dawned on me that I am a Falun Dafa practitioner. How can I have thoughts like this?

I immediately repented to Master and said, “Master, I am wrong. I was interfered with by many family matters. I seemed to have forgotten about Dafa once I regained my health. I have not been diligent in cultivation. Please save me, Master. Please give me another chance. I will be diligent in cultivation.”

Within a minute, I felt that a huge stone had been lifted off my body and I felt light again. A nurse on the side seemed to have noted something and asked, “Do you feel better now?”

I said, “I am a Falun Dafa practitioner and my Master just saved me.”

The results from the CT scan had just been given to us, and it showed no abnormalities. The doctors were puzzled and said, “You were in a serious coma. We predicted that you had bleeding in your brain. It’s hard to believe that I see no abnormalities.” I realized that Master will save you when you believe in Master at critical moments. No words can describe my gratitude towards Master. 

The persecution of Falun Dafa in China had gotten worse, and my husband forbade me from practicing Dafa. He confiscated Master’s lecture books and would yell or hit me whenever he saw me studying the Fa or do the exercises. I lost the environment to cultivate and my health began to deteriorate. My whole body was swollen, and I felt weak in my limbs. The doctors also found a malignant tumor in my bladder. I began to reflect and thought: “Why am I experiencing these serious illnesses again?” 

It might have seemed that my downward slide was because I did not have any Dafa lecture books to study, but in reality I had yet to relinquish many of my attachments. I was attached to watching drama series and was exposed to desires, lust, violence and fighting. These were negative factors and were embedded in my mind. This was the opposite from Master’s teachings and the Dafa principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. Isn’t this interference in my Fa study, cultivation, validating Dafa and saving sentient beings?

I realized that I had only been cultivating on a superficial level. I purchased Dafa books from another practitioner and was determined to overcome this tribulation based on my understanding of Dafa and belief in Master. I repeatedly studied a poem of Master's, 

Study Fa without idling, changing in the processFirmly believe without budging, coming to fruition—lotus forms”(“Advance Wholeheartedly, Enlighten Righteously,” Hong Yin II)

After further examination at the hospital, the doctors ruled out the possibility of a malignant tumor, and only minor surgery was needed to remove the tumor. 

Despite the fact that I always made mistakes in my cultivation, Master has always been compassionate. Master has always protected me and pulled me from the brink of death and given me another chance to live. How can I not cherish this once in a thousand millennia opportunity? What reasons do I still have for not being diligent in cultivation?

Dafa will show its power if we believe in Master and Dafa. Everything is possible in Falun Dafa!