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Police Officer Tells Villagers How Falun Dafa Healed His Wound

June 28, 2023 |   By Fo Yu, a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) While I was talking to people about Falun Dafa at the vegetable market in the summer of 2021, an elderly man threatened to report me to the authorities. 

Indoctrinated by the communist regime’s demonizing propaganda against Falun Dafa, he not only refused to listen to me, but also tried to prevent others from listening. Worse still, he repeated the Chinese Communist Party’s defamatory propaganda. He also slandered a fellow practitioner in his village as being disrespectful to his parents. In fact, I knew the fellow practitioner, and he was nothing like what the man described. 

I asked to verify his account with the fellow practitioner’s family. He realized that his lie was caught and turned around and said, “How about we go to the police station.”

“What do you expect to get from this? Who doesn’t know that Falun Dafa practitioners are all good people?” I said to him. But he insisted on taking me to the police station.

A police officer then came and stopped the man. “Which village are you from? Don’t be like this,” he said.

The officer went on to say, “Those who practice Falun Dafa are good people. What they say is true. A few years ago, I had surgery and my incision did not heal for two years. A Dafa practitioner told me to recite ‘Falun Dafa is good and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good’ and said that if I recited it sincerely, I would be healed. After only two weeks, my wound healed.”

He continued, “We are all from these nearby villages, what are you doing this for? Do something decent.” The man suddenly calmed down.

This conscientious officer then asked me, “Do you have any Dafa informational materials for me?” 

I encouraged him to quit the Chinese Communist Party and its affiliated organizations to avoid becoming accomplice to its crime against humanity. He readily agreed.

The officer helped many bystanders understand the facts about Dafa and many of them asked for Dafa materials from me as well.