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New Environment Provides a New Platform to Save People

July 1, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I began to practice Falun Dafa in 1995. I was a senior high school teacher and was once awarded an excellence in teaching certificate.

When I told students about Falun Dafa, someone reported me to the school management. Afterward, I was no longer allowed to teach and was instead assigned to school logistics jobs.

Master said:

“Since studying Falun Dafa, these workers have been coming to work early and going home late. They work very diligently and will do any assignment their supervisor gives. They also no longer compete for personal gain.” (Lecture Four, Zhuan Falun)

Although barring me from a teaching position was a form of persecution, I thought that since I was a Dafa practitioner, I should be a good person no matter what I did. Doing logistics for the school may allow me to clarify the truth about Falun Dafa to more people, I thought.

The school put me in charge of drinking water for the whole school. I was inexperienced and did not check the numbers of existing full and empty water containers when I moved into the position. My predecessor had only given me the key to the water supply room.

The water supply company had a fire accident and could not continue to supply water for the school. When we returned the equipment to them, the company claimed some dispensers and containers were missing. The man who held the position before me insisted that nothing was missing when he was in charge.

What should I do? I asked Master to help me. In the end, the company did not insist on the numbers.

It was my fault for not counting them when I got the job. I decided to be more careful and do a better job, so that Master would not need to worry about me.

The school switched to a new water supplier. Every day, I carefully recorded the flow of equipment and money.

Two colleagues asked me for water dispensers, and I bought two for them out of my own pocket. A colleague needed water at home and bought water from the school. When I asked her to return the containers, she said they had broken. I asked her to return the broken containers; she said she didn't keep them. I didn’t argue with her and bought two containers out of my own pocket.

When summer vacation was approaching, the school principal said there would be summer classes. After I ordered 187 containers of water for the summer, I was told that the plan had changed and that there would be no summer class. I talked to the water delivery company about returning the water. The company insisted on charging us one yuan per container as a delivery fee. The water won’t be fresh after the hot summer and may not be healthy for students, so I discarded the water and paid 187 yuan out of my own pocket.

One day, the two water delivery workers stacked water containers in an unusual way, making it very difficult to count the number of containers. Their facial expressions also looked different from before, and they seemed a little smug. I felt something was not right. After they left, I rearranged all of the 20kg water containers and counted them one by one. I found we were several containers short. I called the company, explained the situation, and asked them to make up for the difference. If I had been careless, I would have had to compensate for the missing water containers. I wanted to be a good person, but I also wanted to be sensible.

As a practitioner, I have never taken the monthly 50-yuan bonus from the water supply company. I negotiated for them to come to the school to clean the water dispensers every semester and not charge us for broken containers. When students accidentally broke water containers, they feared they would have to pay. I would tell them to be more careful next time, tell them about Dafa, and help them to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) organizations. This way, we had fewer broken containers, and more students understood the truth.

One day, several students excitedly came to see me. One showed me a one-yuan bill on which Dafa information was printed. “This is a truth-clarification bill,” I said. “You can read them in front of the students.” He read loudly, “To all Chinese people: the days of the CCP are numbered.” I asked the students, “Have you heard that? You must quit the CCP!” They lined up in front of me and quit the CCP one by one.

Many students knew I practiced Falun Dafa. Some came to me and asked me to tell them more stories about Dafa practitioners. Some shouted, “Falun Dafa is good,” when they saw me. Others said, “Teacher, do you remember me? You gave me the name Haoyun (good luck) for quitting the CCP.”

I have a collection of traditional stories that teach people to do good and distinguish right from wrong. They are divided into subgroups, including historical people, oaths, allusions, figures, etc. Students often come and request stories they want to hear; they like my stories. Sometimes, after a student hears the story, he or she brings their friends over to listen. After telling them a story, I usually explain the story and, at the same time, clarify the truth. The students are delighted when they understand the truth.

A group of athletic students often came after training to rest and listen to my storytelling. Before their academic exams, they each received a large bar of chocolate from me with blessings. They understood that Falun Dafa is good, and they took the exam with ease. When they graduated, they even took a group photo with me to thank me for my care and encouragement.

One day after school, I was about to leave when I saw a boy and a girl. The girl looked like she was about to fall over, and the boy was trying hard to support her. I asked the boy what was wrong with the girl. He said she was drunk. I wondered where they were going. He said they could not return to the dorm like this since they would get into trouble if the school administrator found out.

“I can take her to my home,” the boy said. After I said that was not a good idea, he said they could check into a hotel.

Concerned about the girl’s safety, I suggested they come to my office. The boy brought the whole group of students who had been drinking to my office. They told me they were about to graduate and separate, so they had a gathering and drank together.

I made some strong tea for them to reduce the effect of the alcohol. I sent righteous thoughts and told them about Dafa.

Several female students accompanied the girl back to the dorm as soon as the girl's condition improved. I was glad she was safe.

The next day, the girl came to see me. She thanked me. I talked to her about Dafa and told her how to protect herself as a girl. She kept nodding. I think she will remember my advice, and she will know Falun Dafa is good.

I clarified the truth to all the school security guards. Whenever they saw me, they always greeted me warmly.

Once, the school gave each retiree a 25kg bag of rice. It was difficult for older people to carry. So, whenever I saw a retiree passing by my window, I greeted them, helped carry the heavy bag, and told them about Dafa. I saw them outside the school gate until they got into a taxi with their rice bag. Some retirees had not quit the CCP even after I clarified the truth to them several times. This time they were very touched and agreed to quit.

Many parents come to the school but need help finding places. I always go to meet them and point them to their destinations. If I am not busy, I take them there. If time and conditions allow, I clarify the truth to them.

Some students became policemen after graduating. I told them not to persecute Dafa disciples, who were all good people. They all said, “We understand. You have told us before.”

Once, a propaganda poster in the big hall had content warning people not to use paper currency carrying “Falun Gong information.” It was posted so high that I could not reach it. The next day, during class time, when no one was around, and there happened to be a table in the hall, I immediately moved the table over to the poster and peeled it off. A fellow practitioner and I sent righteous thoughts afterward. In the afternoon, the school director shouted in the hall: “Why is it gone? Who took it off?” I was in the water supply room, and he did not come to question me. With Master’s blessing, the propaganda poster never appeared again.

I have worked in the water supply position for seven years. It has provided me with a broad platform to talk to people and tell them about Dafa.

At my work, I followed the principles of Dafa to be a good person. I knew by heart the locations of all the water dispensers and containers. When the school no longer used the water supplier, the water company found all of our dispensers and containers in good shape. The company director was pleased. I also clarified the truth to him.

I received many compliments from students and other teachers. The principal said, “Who wouldn’t want a good person? If you didn’t learn Falun Dafa, you’d already be awarded a senior title.” Little did he know that I would not be such a good person if I did not learn Falun Dafa!

Seeing I was good with the water supply account, the principal appointed me as a school account manager in charge of more critical accounts. I believe the new position would provide me with a new platform to meet more predestined people to be saved.

Thank you, Master, for your meticulous protection at all times. As a disciple, I can only be more diligent in my cultivation.