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My Understanding About Resentment

July 16, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) Resentment is an attachment particularly harmful to a cultivator––an attachment a cultivator has to cultivate away. 

Resentment can be obvious or hidden. The level of resentment varies from time to time and from person to person. It can act alone to make trouble, or disturb our hearts along with other attachments. It is a huge taboo for Dafa cultivators. It is also a common and stubborn attachment that must be recognized and relinquished.

I have read articles and insights by fellow practitioners on the Minghui website about resentment and would like to share some of my own insights.

The Cause of Resentment

Master taught us, 

“Yet as the number of lives increases, a collective form of social relations develops in which some people may develop selfishness and gradually their level will drop.” (Lecture One, Zhuan Falun)

My understanding is that resentment comes directly from the fundamental nature of “selfishness” in the old cosmos. Both non-cultivators and cultivators have it. 

I understand that as soon as a being develops selfishness (resentment), they will begin to fall down, no matter how high their realm was. They will keep falling if they allow their selfishness (resentment) to continue to grow.

That selfish/resentful mindset is stronger in people who were born and grew up in China, due to the influence of Communist Party culture, which is “composed of hatred and all kinds of bad things in the lower universe.” “Hate” is the core driving force of the communist regime’s philosophy of “struggle.” 

The manipulation by the communist specter further augmented the vice in the hearts of the Chinese people, causing them to constantly fight with each other in the pursuit of fame, fortune, and power.

Intertwined with Other Attachments

Resentment doesn’t exist alone. It has a strong connection with envy, jealousy, grievances, hatred, the sense of unfairness, contempt for others, competitiveness, and “being full of oneself.”

Take myself as an example. When I was provoked, I would see many of these attachments appearing in me all at once. I could not identify the main one or where it came from.

Analyzing it further, I realized that there are different levels and intensities of resentment. Minor complaints and grumbling are the primary manifestations of the resentful mind. Anything I didn’t like about someone might lead me to think, “Why is he so careless and reckless?”

That is already a manifestation of resentment. If I allow it to develop, it will soon develop into a contentious mindset. This is closely related to the Party’s philosophy of struggle. Influenced by that philosophy, a person will not allow anyone to point out their shortcomings and will think they are being treated unfairly, leading to unresolvable gaps among practitioners. All of this is detrimental to the overall harmony of the group.

Transcend the “Victim” Mentality

The most serious side effect of resentment is that it will prevent one from having compassion. This is a serious problem for Dafa disciples. 

Master told us:

“From now on, whatever you do, you should consider others first, so as to attain the righteous Enlightenment of selflessness and altruism.” (“Non-Omission in Buddha-Nature,” Essentials for Further Advancement)

One pressing question for all practitioners being persecuted in China is how we should view our relationship with the perpetrators. Some have said that we shouldn’t see ourselves as “victims” or that the police are “persecuting” us. Rather, we are here to “save them,” and they are the ones to “receive salvation.”

If we can cultivate away our resentment, we will be able to have an open-minded, transcendent attitude toward the perpetrators who behave so wickedly. With solid understanding on the basis of the Fa, we will not have grudges against them or hate our persecutors, but will manifest great compassion to save them, as they are the ones who are in true danger.

Eliminating Resentment

How can we eliminate resentment in ourselves? We should pay attention to our every single thought. Resentment usually follows a predictable course. It might start with impatience, annoyance, and being upset, none of which are a right mindset anyway. Next, resentment might appear, along with other attachments. Whenever we notice the attachment related to resentment, it’s a reminder that we need to work on our hearts then and there.

We should also proactively eliminate any thoughts and ideas that deviate from the Fa and routinely cleanse our field and thoughts while sending forth righteous thoughts.

Next, we should reinforce our main consciousness. We should not be easily affected by what others do, by our own notions, or by interference from other dimensions. As long as we handle everything with righteous thoughts, our resentment will be eliminated.

The final and most important thing is to learn the Fa well. Because, 

“The Fa can break all attachments; the Fa can destroy all evil; the Fa can shatter all lies; and the Fa can strengthen righteous thoughts.” (“Drive Out Interference,” The Essentials of Diligent Progress II)

Editor’s note: This article only represents the author’s understanding in their current cultivation state meant for sharing among practitioners so that we can “Compare in studying, compare in cultivating.” (“Solid Cultivation,” Hong Yin)