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Cell Supervisor Shouted “Falun Dafa Is Good”

July 7, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) The local police arrested me after they scoured security camera footage and found I was distributing materials about Falun Dafa and how it is persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). When I was detained at the detention center, I had many amazing experiences, which I’d like to share.

Cell Supervisor Shouted, “Falun Dafa Is Good!”

I felt a bit at a loss when I was initially detained in a transitional cell. Newcomers were held there for two weeks and were required to read the detention center’s regulations. The cell was only about 300 square feet but it held over 30 people. You can imagine how crowded it was. The cell supervisor was another detainee, a young man in his thirties, due to his association with gangs. He had a fierce look. The next day, he swore at me and hit me in front of everyone because I broke some rule for using the toilet that I was unaware of, but I didn’t take it to heart. Instead, I followed Falun Dafa’s principles and corrected my actions.

Soon he found that I was different from the other inmates. Though he scolded and hit me, I said that he was strict and that his actions could be justified. He went to the front as soon as I finished introducing myself. He shouted before everyone, “Falun Dafa is good!”

I was shocked at the time. He dared to shout “Falun Dafa is good” in such a dangerous environment. It was not accidental; it was the power of Falun Dafa. It also showed that everyone has a knowing side.

Then two amazing things happened to the cell supervisor. One day he asked me when he could be released and go home. I asked him to recite “Falun Dafa is good” and “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” in his mind whenever he had time and that it’d be beneficial for him. He told me the next day that he had a dream that he went home. He asked me what that meant. I told him that it was a good thing and asked him to keep reciting the nine special words. On the third day, he said that he was reciting the nine words even in his dreams. I told him that it was a good thing. He’s treated me differently since then and has a different understanding of Falun Dafa.

Inmates Started to Practice Falun Dafa

There were all sorts of people in the detention center. Some were repeat offenders. It was difficult to communicate with them and talk to them about Falun Dafa. Some of the inmates lost contact with their family members due to being detained for such a long time. No family members delivered food or clothes to them; they looked depressed. A man who slept beside me was experiencing this firsthand. He was in his sixties and was detained due to drug addiction and trafficking. He suffered from spina bifida and was in agonizing pain, which made him feel hopeless.

I chatted with him every evening before we went to sleep. I shared with him my experience of practicing Falun Dafa, how I benefited from it, and how wonderful it is. He was very interested and asked me if he could recover from his illness. I said there should be no problem, but he must follow Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. He recited “Falun Dafa is good” and “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” every day and studied Master’s poems from Hong Yin with me daily.

Several days later he started to go to the toilet more and his feces were greenish and in large quantities. He felt strange. I told him that Master Li, Falun Dafa’s founder, must have started to purify his body, as he followed Dafa’s principles. He told me that in his dream someone was chasing him and wanted to kill him and that he was told where to run and he finally escaped.

Several days later he couldn’t walk on one of his legs. I asked him not to worry and said that he’d recover in a few days and that Master Li (Dafa’s founder) was adjusting his body. He could walk again shortly thereafter.

Another young man in his thirties was previously a business owner. He was detained for conducting some illegal business. He was well off financially and arrogant. He didn’t listen to me when I talked to him about Falun Dafa, but he asked me about the practice the next day before we went to bed. He said he had a dream after lying down beside me the previous night. He went to a Buddha’s world in his dream and saw overwhelmingly beautiful scenes. It was only I who told him stories about Falun Dafa. He thought it was not accidental.

He memorized eight poems from Hong Yin by the time I got out. He recovered from the numbness in his arm while he read Hong Yin with me. He said that he would learn Falun Dafa after he was released.

Cell Supervisor Asked Me to Talk about Falun Dafa to Everyone

I was transferred to another cell shortly before I was released. Everyone in this cell was arrested for drunk driving. Normally they stayed there for two months. The cell supervisor was another detainee, a young man who was previously affiliated with gangs. When he learned that I was detained because of practicing Falun Dafa, he arranged for me to do the easiest job – clerical work like writing meeting minutes and recording changes of cell personnel. He didn’t arrange for me to do the night shift.

I was most surprised when he announced in the cell meeting that I would talk about Falun Dafa that night. Later, I learned that he previously knew a local practitioner and had learned the truth of the persecution. He felt he should let the inmates know the truth.

I was so moved that I couldn’t sleep that night! I could feel that Master was beside me all the time and looked after all the people in the detention center. He arranged opportunities for them to hear the truth. This is Master’s immense compassion.

In the following several days, I told them in detail how the CCP persecutes Falun Dafa and its practitioners and how the Tiananmen Square self-immolation incident was staged. They listened attentively and learned the truth.