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Writing Truth-Clarification Letters to Directors of Law Enforcement Agencies

Aug. 11, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I started practicing Falun Dafa in 1996. During that time, I’ve become more and more convinced that everything we do when it comes to saving sentient beings is in reality done by Master.

I was arrested when I visited a practitioner in 2020 and taken to the Domestic Security Division. Although my family bailed me out the next day, I just couldn’t stop feeling that I needed to do something to clarify the truth to the officers there. Most of them are young police officers pulled from each police station within the district. Deceived by the Communist regime’s lies, they aid in the persecution of Dafa practitioners and commit crimes against the great Buddha Fa, all the while unaware of the dire consequences they face.

One of the team leads stood out to me for some reason. I had never met him before, but somehow I felt like I knew him. I felt sorry for this young man and all his colleagues that worked for that division. I wanted to save them. I thought about clarifying the truth to the directors of the local Domestic Security Division, the Political and Legal Affairs Committee, and the 610 Office. Once the higher-ups in these agencies at our local branches learn the truth, they will be saved, and it will clear the way for future truth-clarification efforts in the area. Then these young officers will be spared from committing greater crimes against Dafa. The idea stuck with me and I couldn’t let it go. Each day I felt more compelled to do something.

But I did have concerns. I used to be a law enforcement agent but was removed from my position because of my faith in Falun Dafa. It has been more than two decades, and the people I used to work with were no longer there. I caught a glimpse of the head of the Domestic Security Division the day I got bailed out; besides that, I had no clue who the head of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee nor the 610 Office was. On the other hand, I know how the law enforcement system works and am familiar with the unspoken rules that are widely practiced and accepted within the system, especially among the higher-ups.

I wanted to visit the directors in person, but I was not confident that I could eliminate all the evil factors behind them. If I failed to clarify the truth in-depth and get my message across in one go, I might not have another chance. Moreover, my case was still open, even though I was released on bail. I heard rumors that I might be taken to the local brainwashing center after my bail expired. Frankly, I was concerned about my own safety.

After giving it much thought, I decided to write letters to these officials so I could clarify the truth in depth. My goal was to first tell them how wonderful Dafa is and how it has helped me in so many ways. Secondly, I wanted to expose the evil nature of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and clarify the truth surrounding the wrongful persecution. Finally, I wanted to urge the officials to choose the side of goodness.

In the letter, I wrote how I started to practice more than 20 years ago and the great improvements I’ve experienced physically and mentally. I explained how I strive to live up to Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance in every aspect of my life. I recounted the ordeals my family and I were subjected to after the persecution began in July 1999. I pointed out that Falun Dafa is a righteous Fa and practicing it is not against the law. The persecution has no legal basis and thus cannot last long. Ancient Chinese wisdom says, “A noble man does not put himself in a dangerous position.” I advised the officials to choose the right side and told them that my biggest wish was for whoever received the letter to be saved.

It took me more than a month to draft, edit, and finalize it. Then I made copies by hand and mailed them. I covered all the areas I wanted to cover in the final letter. I chose to use my real name to mail them because I truly wanted to save the officials. Those letters evidently made a huge impact, as my case was dropped and the police have not harassed me since then.

Looking back, I can clearly see that Master carefully arranged everything in the process. All I did was move the pen across the paper and make a few trips to the post office. Master strengthened and helped me every step of the way.

Pain and Discomfort

Even though I worked on those letters during the hottest part of the summer, my legs felt chilly. They were sore and swollen. Every cell in my legs trembled like dark clouds rumbling before a summer storm. It was horrible.

When I went to bed, I wrapped my lower legs in an electric blanket to alleviate the chilly sensation so that I could go to sleep. However, I distinctly felt that Master was helping me whenever I worked on the letter. I babysat my grandson and did household chores during the day and worked on the letters at night. I regularly stayed up until midnight, sometimes even until 2 or 3 a.m. Strangely, I didn’t feel tired and always had plenty of energy the next day.

Master Showed Me the Results Beforehand

When my grandson took his afternoon naps, I sent righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil beings that controlled the heads of these agencies. I targeted all evil beings preventing those officials from being saved, cleared their fields of communist influence, and kept the old forces from using them to commit crimes against Dafa. But for several days in a row, I had a hard time focusing, and my righteous thoughts were weak and scattered.

I thought it must be evil beings from other dimensions trying to interfere and keep sentient beings from being saved. To eliminate them, I sent forth strong righteous thoughts with my legs crossed in the full lotus position and my palm erect. I used my mind to reach out to these officials’ primordial spirits in other dimensions. I arranged the primordial spirit of the head of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee to sit right across from me, the primordial spirit of the head of the Domestic Security Division to his left, and the primordial spirit of the head of the 610 Office to his right. Still using my mind intent, I created a vacuum around each of them and used the power given to me by Dafa to eliminate all evil beings and elements stopping them from being saved.

When I silently recited the formula for sending forth righteous thoughts, I saw a scene in another dimension. The vacuum I created around the three officials turned into a huge dark curtain that slowly descended over a theater stage. It lowered steadily and slowly. When it was about two inches above the three officials, I noticed that they were still sitting the way I arranged them, only now they faced forward.

The curtain continued to descend slowly until it reached the floor behind the trio. Now the officials’ bodies looked youthful and their skin was pink and transparent. The director of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee turned his head twice to look at me and seemed quite happy. I could see all the small details of his face, including the lines on his forehead.

I was stunned to see all this. I cultivate with my celestial eye closed and had never seen anything from other dimensions before. However, whatever was in front of my eyes at that moment was clear, vivid, and real. It was not an illusion. Master revealed to me that the letters I had yet to mail out were going to save these officials. Master had eliminated the black substances in these officials’ fields so they could be saved. This was a huge encouragement from Master. Tears welled up as my heart was filled with gratitude. I was deeply touched by the boundless compassion Master has for sentient beings and how much Master had strengthened and protected me.

Master’s Encouragement Through a Practitioner’s Words

After finishing the draft, I showed it to a young practitioner and asked her to give me some feedback. It took her an entire night to read through it, and her response was, “Very touching. It moved me to tears. I saw a Dafa cultivator’s great compassion and a heart of gold through your words. I can tell the purpose of the letter is not to avoid further persecution but to wake up sentient beings.” She suggested that I tighten up the language at the end to make it more precise and straightforward. Her final recommendation was for me to go through the process with an even purer heart and get rid of even the slightest trace of Party indoctrination and the slightest trace of pompousness in my tone.

I know how good a writer this practitioner is. For her to make such positive comments and sincere suggestions, it must have been Master encouraging me through her words. Master also pointed out to me things I could improve on. I didn’t rush to send the letters out. Instead I calmed my mind by removing all other thoughts and edited the letters over and over again. With great compassion, a pure heart, and from the perspective of putting others first, I worked on the letters almost every day. Sometimes I was so engaged that I felt these officials were my family.

Tears often welled up when I worked on the letters, as if I was having a heart-to-heart with the officials in person. My heart was filled with compassion, and I was truly convinced “You are going to be saved.” So that letters would have a big impact, I decided to hand copy each one, making them more personal. The final draft had 14,000 characters and was more than 30 pages long. For each letter I sent out, I copied it twice by hand and picked the better one to mail out.

Master Wanted Me to Truly Cultivate Myself

I ran into quite a few obstacles getting the first letter out to the head of the Domestic Security Division. I used EMS Express service at the post office because that was how I sent my criminal complaint against Jiang Zemin (former head of the Chinese Communist Party). EMS Express is reliable and provides a certificate with tracking. I used my ID to register instead of a cellphone number, which the post office required. All was ready, so I called the division head to give him a heads-up.

Strangely, I couldn’t get hold of him even though I was pretty sure I had the right number. I got the same answer every time, “Wrong number.” I told the person who picked up who I was, but he still insisted that I’d called the wrong number. Just a month before, I’d called the division and gotten confirmation that this was the phone number. I even used my daughter’s phone to call the number and got the same response. I wasn’t sure what to do. Should I mail the letter or not? I couldn’t decide and put off mailing it.

Master said:

“Nothing you encounter is simple, accidental, or an ordinary thing. It must have to do with your cultivation and your improvement.” (Teachings at the Conference in Los Angeles)

This was definitely not accidental. I thought there must be something I needed to figure out, to confront, or was an attachment to eliminate. I went back and examined my initial idea and my motivation for writing these letters. I really wanted to clarify the truth to these officials—this was my true wish. The problem was the timing.

I didn’t act on the idea right away. Instead, I only made up my mind because my bail was ending. I asked other practitioners what happened after the bail expires and found out that the case is not necessarily closed. There was still a chance that my case could be submitted to the Public Prosecutor’s Office. It dawned on me that I didn’t completely deny the old forces’ arrangement. Although I was not scared, I worried about what would happen to me next, so I didn’t start to write the letter.

After going back and forth, my righteous thoughts eventually won out. I decided that, regardless of the timing or the situation, I just had to clarify the truth. Even if it meant the level of persecution I suffer escalated, I would still clarify the truth to the officials. I made up my mind that I would not resent anyone or regret my decision.

I worried that I would not have another chance if I didn’t clarify the truth to these officials now. I secretly hoped it would actually benefit me instead of making the situation worse. My competitiveness was driving me, and I wanted to validate myself. I was selfishly trying to avoid suffering and further persecution. These thoughts were very vague and weak and sometimes well hidden. However, I failed to nip them in the bud when they popped up as I was drafting the letter. One such thought was, “Look, I’ve explained so clearly that Dafa is good and I am innocent. You can’t possibly take further action against me.”

I was more about validating myself than the Fa. Thoughts such as, “Wow, look how well I write—way better than I can speak,” often surfaced. I knew these thoughts didn’t come from my true self and repeatedly reminded myself to keep a clear head. I also sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate them, but they kept coming back. I didn’t dig deep to find the root attachment of these wrong thoughts and eliminate it—that’s why they wouldn’t go away.

I came across an article on the Minghui website one day that mentioned the word “slyly.” It struck me. I looked deep down and found the selfish motivation in my writing the letter—I hoped that clarifying the truth to these officials would benefit me. Saving sentient beings is a sacred vow, and it is a Dafa practitioner’s responsibility and mission to do so. When I mixed in such impure motives, was I using Dafa? This realization was so shocking that I trembled all over. It was such a filthy attachment.

With such selfish thoughts and attachments to validating myself, how could the letter save people? How could I send it out? How could the evil spirits from other dimensions not interfere? That was when I realized how sneaky the old forces are—they almost had me go down the wrong path, just as they would have liked. In fact, Master warned me about this pitfall through what the young practitioner said, “Go through the process with a purer heart.”

When I edited the letter, I focused on making the tone calm and kind and the language fluent and clear. When the wrong thoughts popped up, I didn’t take them seriously and failed to look inward to find the root attachments. This cost me precious time in saving sentient beings. Realizing this, I erected my palm and sent forth strong righteous thoughts: “All the human notions are not my true self. I do not acknowledge nor accept them. Eliminate all of the old forces’ arrangements and all evil in other dimensions. I am a Dafa practitioner. I will get rid of my attachments and rectify myself in the Fa. Master is looking after me; I only follow the path arranged by Master.”

After I found and got rid of my selfish notions, I sent the letter through EMS Express without trying any further to contact the head of the Domestic Security Division. I later confirmed through tracking that he had received and signed for the letter. In the same manner, I sent copies to the heads of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee and the 610 Office. According to tracking information, they both received their letters. My effort to clarify the truth to these officials came to an end.

Demanding That My Case Be Withdrawn

A couple of days before my bail expired, I had not heard from the police or the Domestic Security Division and wondered what I should do. I thought, “I don’t acknowledge any persecution imposed on me. If you don’t update me on my case, then I am going to find out myself. It is my right to request that my case be withdrawn. It is also a great opportunity for you to reposition yourselves to be on the side of Dafa.” I made up my mind the day before my bail expired that I was going to the police station the next day. I was going to clarify the truth to them.

Sending righteous thoughts at the set time the next morning, I saw with my celestial eye a road that went straight from south to north. It looked like the wide mortar roads from the 80s, and it stretched as far as the eye could see. Telephone poles lined both sides of the road with thick webs of power lines. Gusty winds and racing cars threw up dust in the air, and I couldn’t see clearly and felt foggy-headed.

I realized Master was trying to tell me something, that I should demand that my case be withdrawn without condition. This aligns with the Fa and is an upright path. Master was encouraging me to do this and not worry about the risk. The dust meant that Master was reminding me to cleanse my own field and to keep a clear mind. Even though I’d clarified the truth to the officials in the letter, they might still have doubts, just like the dust in the air. I needed to keep clarifying the truth and do so in depth.

I went to the police office that morning and spoke to the head of the Domestic Security Division on the phone. He agreed to drop my case, and everything worked out.

Looking back, I see that Master was always by my side, providing guidance and encouragement. In overcoming obstacles, Master helped me enlighten to the Fa, find my notions and attachments, and improve in the process. I truly sensed Master’s boundless compassion for sentient beings and his disciples. Master arranges all and does all. As a practitioner, I could only place my complete faith in the Fa and in Master, do the three things well, and strive forward even more, to be worthy of Master’s compassion and salvation.