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Canada: People Experience Falun Dafa’s Energy at Health Fair in Quebec

Aug. 18, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Canada

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners were invited to participate in a health fair in Beauce, Quebec, from August 3 to 6, 2023. Many people learned the Falun Dafa exercises and some said they sensed palpable energy. The principles of Falun Dafa, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, made an impression on many. Some bought Falun Dafa books.

The fair focused on health improvement and personal development. About a thousand people attended. Many learned the benefits of practicing Falun Dafa, condemned the CCP's (Chinese Communist Party) persecution, and signed a petition calling on the Canadian government to help free imprisoned practitioners.

Practitioners demonstrate the Falun Dafa exercises.

Visitors learn about Falun Dafa.

People were interested in learning the Falun Dafa exercises

Event Organizer: Falun Gong Practitioners Radiate Calmness, Joy, and Benevolence

When the health fair was held for the first time last year, Falun Gong practitioners demonstrated the exercises to a group of 70 attendees. Among them was the festival organizer, Matthieu Deutté.

Deutté said that the practitioners left a deep impression on him. "[Last year,] I arrived at the site of the exercises, not knowing what it was,” he said. “I was quickly moved to tears. Falun Dafa practitioners exude calm[ness], joy, benevolence."

This year he again invited the practitioners to the health fair so that they could share the tranquility and energy of Falun Gong with more people.

Édith Savard said she felt a powerful energy when she did the exercises.

Édith Savard, a retiree, learned the exercises at the event. She said she felt a powerful energy flow throughout her body when she did them and sensed a different energy as she did each exercise. “It feels wonderful!” she said.

Suzanne Morand bought two Falun Dafa books.

Suzanne Morand was astonished to learn the extent of the CCP's atrocities after she watched a documentary about the persecution. “I knew it [the CCP] was a dictatorship, but I didn’t know it was so terrible! Its leaders are deceiving people and covering up their motives.”

She bought two Falun Dafa books and said, “The principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are the way we have to choose. It’s so rich and so great! Anyone can learn it for free.”

Annie-Ève Poiré recently began practicing Falun Dafa.

Annie-Ève Poiré, who recently began practicing Falun Dafa, said she would like to tell others how she has benefited. She used to have difficulty sleeping and tried different things to relax. A friend suggested she try meditating. She researched online and found Falun Dafa in February 2020.

“The five exercises are easy to learn. I listened to Master Li’s lectures a week later. I told myself, ‘What he said is so true, so clear, and so sincere!’ I learned the value of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Practicing Falun Dafa made me patient and more clear-minded. My sleep apnea is gone. It’s important for me to share this information.”