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Be a True Cultivator During the Final Leg of Fa Rectification

Aug. 27, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) The persecution of Falun Dafa has been ongoing for over twenty-four years. Many practitioners have been able to endure trials and tribulations, but others have fallen.

At the beginning of the persecution, practitioners excelled in various areas, and established Falun Dafa informational materials production sites everywhere. Their enthusiasm was truly commendable. In our area, dozens of practitioners managed to persevere in Fa study and saving people despite the severe persecution.

However, as time passed and the temptations of modern society grew stronger, some practitioners gradually slacked off in their cultivation and became disinterested in doing Fa study and the exercises. They succumbed to societal trends, became preoccupied with fame and fortune, and even obsessed over cell phones, thus sidelining their cultivation.

Although some of us tried to persuade such people to look at what they were doing, it proved challenging for them to return to their cultivation path. Among the dozens of us who were Falun Dafa adherents over a decade ago, only a handful are still cultivating diligently. This is indeed disheartening.

In our area, one practitioner held a hunger strike to protest being imprisoned. Although he was emaciated when released, he remained steadfast in Dafa. However, he later moved to another area to make money, and over a few years gradually stopped studying the Fa and practicing the exercises. It’s really a profound loss and regret for practitioners to stumble in the ending time, after having cultivated for so many years and enduring the brutal persecution in the darkest time.

During the three years of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) launched the “Zero-out” campaign to target practitioners on a massive scale. Even adherents in their 80s and 90s weren’t spared, and some were sentenced to prison. Following the demise of former CCP dictator Jiang Zemin, rather than easing the persecution, the CCP persisted with the same degree of oppression. They aimed to instill fear in the practitioners and drag them into despair. Consequently, some Falun Dafa cultivators repeatedly missed the opportunities arranged by Master Li, and their faith in Master and Dafa wavered.

Recently, Master addressed the world directly through two articles: “How Humankind Came To Be” and “Why Save Sentient Beings.” Many non-practitioners felt uplifted after reading them, gained a deeper understanding of life, and found renewed hope. As cultivators, why have some of us not yet been roused from our slumber? In truth, this signifies the fundamental question of whether one genuinely has faith in Master and the Fa. Without such faith, true cultivation is not possible.

In “Why Save Sentient Beings,” Master Li told people around the world:

“When the cosmic realm came to the end times in the process of formation, stability, degeneration, and destruction, the Creator used 200 million years to create the Three Realms and arranged various forms and opportunities for sentient beings to be saved, while laying the foundation for human culture, thought, and conduct. He also used His divine body to resolve and eliminate the sins and karma of all beings! To save sentient beings, He has given all He has.”

Each Dafa disciple should introspect, “Can I, to this day, give all I have for sentient beings?” With the limited time remaining, I hope we can all understand the true essence of cultivation and cherish the opportunities Master gives us.

Please point out anything inappropriate in my sharing.

Editor’s note: This article only represents the author’s understanding in their current cultivation state meant for sharing among practitioners so that we can “Compare in studying, compare in cultivating.” (“Solid Cultivation,” Hong Yin)