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Twice Jailed for a Total of 12 Years, Beijing Man Gets Third Prison Term (15 Months) for His Faith

Aug. 3, 2023 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Beijing, China

(Minghui.org) Having been jailed for 12 years, a Beijing resident was recently sentenced to one year and three months, again for his faith in Falun Gong, a mind-body practice that has been persecuted by the Chinese communist regime since 1999.

Mr. Pang You and his wife and son

Mr. Pang, a former city planning office director and real estate company manager, was arrested on May 2, 2022, after being reported for distributing informational materials about Falun Gong two days prior, on April 30. His Falun Gong books, cell phones and media player were confiscated. As he failed the physical examination required for detention, he was released on bail on May 3. 

Mr. Pang, around 60, was arrested again at home on July 28, 2022 and taken to the Changping District Detention Center. His family received a call from the detention center in early September informing them that Mr. Pang had been hospitalized after his feet became swollen and suppurated due to diabetes. 

Mr. Pang’s lawyer was informed on November 7, 2022 that the police had submitted his case to the Changping District Procuratorate. He was indicted in early January 2023. The judge of Changping District Court made him attend a virtual hearing on July 3 from his hospital room. His lawyer joined the session remotely from the courthouse. The lawyer told his family that during the attorney-client meeting days before the hearing, Mr. Pang was wheeled into the meeting room as he could no longer walk by himself.

It was learned in late July 2023 that Mr. Pang had been sentenced to one year and three months. He is in the process of filing an appeal. 

Mr. Pang’s latest sentencing was preceded by two prior prison terms for upholding his faith in Falun Gong. He was sentenced to eight years following his arrest on September 27, 2000. Less than one year after he was released in 2008, he was arrested again on August 3 that year and later sentenced to four years.

For more details of his past persecution, please refer to the following related reports.

Related Reports:

Former Real Estate Company Manager Faces Prosecution Again After 12 Years of Incarceration for His Faith

Falsified Evidence Used in an Attempt to Sentence Mr. Pang You

Beijing Citizens Call for the Release of Falun Gong Practitioner

Beijing Man Arrested in Shaanxi Province for Talking About Falun Gong

After Eight Years of Unjust Imprisonment, Mr. Pang You Is Again Wrongly Sentenced to a Further Four Years in Prison