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Miracles Occurred When I Put Full Trust in Master and Dafa

Sept. 8, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) I have been distributing truth-clarification desk calendars on my own over the past years, but this year another practitioner joined me. It is inconvenient to store the calendars in the practitioner’s home, so we put them all in my home. I carry 50 calendars to the bus station, divide them into two packs, and each of us carries a pack and distributes them when out talking to people about Falun Dafa and the persecution.

The practitioner and I once made an arrangement to go to a market in a distant suburb, and I had to change buses halfway. It was very windy and rainy. I set off with two packs of calendars on my back.

I reached the station after much effort battling the weather. Not many people were there due to the rain. The other practitioner hadn’t arrived by the time the bus came. As people all got on the bus, I thought: Shall I board or not? If I do, the practitioner might not see me; if I don’t, the next bus is in 20 minutes. I was already very tired, so I decided to get on the bus.

The bus started to move as soon as I sat down. I was truly anxious, as I watched the rain outside the window, and my heart was pounding. What should I do? Carrying so many desk calendars by myself, I couldn’t distribute them all. Then I thought, is Master Li [the founder of Falun Dafa] using this situation to test me? With Master and Dafa by my side, I must not give up. I must let go of my attachment to dependency and fear of suffering. I must move forward. I am a particle of Dafa, and I can distribute the calendars by myself.

It was still raining when I arrived at my stop. Only a few people were walking along the wide road. I struggled to carry my bag over to a bench at the station. I rearranged my load and was ready to leave. A woman passed by, so I took out a desk calendar and handed it to her, saying: “Hello! I want to give you a lucky desk calendar. I hope you can learn the truth and be rewarded!” She took it and thanked me.

My confidence grew. I carried two packs of calendars and walked in the direction of the market. It was empty when I arrived; there was not a single person on the road for hundreds of meters. The market was next to a train track on one side and a vegetable field on the other. There were usually people passing by. It was market day, but there was not a single vegetable seller, let alone any customers given that wet and windy day.

I was very depressed, and my shoulders were sore. I wanted to rest, but water covered the ground, so I endured holding the bags. I looked around, thinking: No one is here. Who am I going to give these calendars to? Did I come here for nothing? I can’t carry these calendars back. As I walked, I said in my heart, “Please help me, Master. Please lead those who are predestined with me!”

I felt motivated this way. With Master around, I was afraid of nothing. A young woman was walking toward me. I hurriedly took out a desk calendar, and said, “Hello, young lady, the new year is coming. Here is a lucky desk calendar for you. I wish you good luck in the new year! It tells you the truth. Go home and take a good look.”

She thanked me and was about to leave. I asked if she had heard of quitting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations. She said she had, but hadn’t quit. I continued, “Why don’t you quit it, be it the Party, Youth League, or Young Pioneers that you joined? Use a pseudonym or your real name. God looks at people’s hearts. God will keep you safe when disaster strikes, as long as you quit. When you joined the Party you vowed to follow the CCP. The Party has done many bad things. You will be in danger when Heaven destroys it.”

She had only joined the Youth League and Young Pioneers. I asked, “Why don’t you use the name ‘Defu’ to quit them.” She agreed. I said, “Please sincerely recite ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.’ It can turn bad luck into good luck, and keep you safe during the pandemic.” She thanked me, so I told her to thank Dafa’s Master.

A man in his 50s walked towards me. I hurried up to meet him and said, “Hi, how are you? The new year is near, and I’d like you to have this New Year’s calendar, which contains the truth. This calendar can bring you good luck. Take a good look at it when you get home.”

“Is it from Falun Dafa?” he asked.

“Yes,” I replied. “Falun Dafa teaches people to be good and elevates their moral standards. It is cultivation of the Buddha Law and is most beneficial to society.

“A political party does not even allow Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance [Dafa’s principles]. Do you think that’s normal? Such a good practice, but [former CCP leader] Jiang Zemin still insisted on suppressing it. They staged the Tiananmen Square self-immolation incident, deceived the common people, framed Falun Dafa, and even harvested the organs of Dafa practitioners for profit. It has committed a heinous crime that has never before been seen on this planet. Now, Heaven is going to eliminate it, and we must not listen to the CCP’s lies and become its scapegoats. We should quit the Party and its affiliates as soon as possible.”

He told me that he was not a Party member, but had worn the red scarf [for the Youth League]. I said, “Why don’t you use the pseudonym of ‘Guangmin’ to quit it.”

He replied, “Sure.” I wished him a good future and he thanked me. I told him to thank Master Li.

More and more people appeared on the road as I walked and distributed materials. Master was helping me by leading people to me. With Master’s support, not a single person refused to take the calendar I gave them. I had only a few calendars left when I returned to the station and finished distributing them on my way home. Eight people even quit the CCP and its youth organizations that day.

I know very well that it is Master who accomplished all this. We Dafa practitioners just have to have the wish to save people. If we believe in Master and Dafa one hundred percent, Master will show us miracles when we are at a dead end.

The pain and tiredness have elevated my realm and made me appreciate Master’s protection. I am truly fortunate. I rely on one word in my cultivation: Faith! I do whatever Master tells me to do: help save more people, save people quickly!