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Yakeshi City, Inner Mongolia: Two Falun Gong Practitioners Sentenced, Three Await Verdicts

Jan. 14, 2024 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Inner Mongolia, China

(Minghui.org) Six Yakeshi City, Inner Mongolia, residents were arrested over the course of 11 days in April 2023 for practicing Falun Gong. Two of them have been sentenced to prison, three are awaiting verdicts and the situation of one practitioner isn’t clear.


Five of the practitioners, including Ms. Li Shuzhen, Ms. Zhang Liyan, Ms. Yang Shuqin, Ms. Zhu Jinlong and Mr. Guo Changsuo were arrested at their respective homes on April 8, 2023. 

In particular, Ms. Li’s home was raided by more than ten officers. They presented a blank search warrant before ransacking the place. Her Falun Gong books, printer, and three computers (including one used by her son) were confiscated. But no list of confiscated items was provided. Her husband and son were also taken to the police station for interrogation, before being released the next day.

The sixth practitioner, Mr. Sun Wentian, was arrested at his home on April 19, 2023. 

Mr. Guo and Mr. Sun were held at the Yakeshi City Detention Center and the four female practitioners were kept at the Hailar Women’s Detention Center.

Court Hearings and Prison Sentences

Ms. Zhang, around 56, was sentenced to 4.5 years by the Yakeshi City Court on December 25, 2023. She is appealing the verdict. She is likely still held at the detention center.

Ms. Yang, around 77, was sentenced to 3 years by the Yakeshi City Court. She was released on bail for medical treatment at one point, but was taken back into custody after only two months at home. It’s not clear when she was sentenced or where she is currently detained.

Ms. Li, Mr. Guo and Mr. Sun have appeared in the Yakeshi City Court twice and are awaiting verdicts. They are still held at the detention centers at the time of writing.

Ms. Zhu’s situation isn’t clear.

When Ms. Li appeared in court on November 9, 2023, the judge had to adjourn the session due to her poor health. The court held another hearing for her on December 13, 2023 and her lawyer entered a not guilty plea for her. As she still struggles with some physical conditions, her family applied to the court to release her for medical treatment, but were rejected.