(Minghui.org) Due to Falun Dafa practitioners’ persistent efforts in raising awareness about the persecution over the years, many police officers understand the facts and some have regretted that they took part in the persecution.

“Will You Forgive Me?”

After practitioner Bing was arrested, she clarified the facts to a young police officer. While they were talking, a senior officer came over and said, “I know more than you do. I often ‘scale the wall’ to browse overseas websites.” He went on to say that in the early years of the persecution, he was still young and believed the communist regime’s propaganda slandering Falun Dafa. He actively participated in the persecution to get promoted and turned a deaf ear when the practitioners tried to clarify the facts to him. He persecuted the practitioners so badly that he was listed as a key perpetrator.

As he spoke, his expression became ever more serious. “It’s so true that when someone does a lot of bad things, he will incur karmic retribution. I know that because now I’m having all kinds of health problems.”

Bing was glad that the officer regretted his evildoing. She persuaded him to quit the Chinese Communist Party with his real name and publicly repent for the wrong he had done.

“Will you forgive me?” the officer asked.

“It’s great that you truly realize that the persecution is wrong. It’s not too late if you stop participating in the persecution now and stay away from the Chinese Communist Party.” Bing said.

“I’m Listening!”

Practitioner Chen said that after he was arrested and taken to a police station, a senior officer was assigned to watch him. When Chen tried to clarify the facts to him, the man kept his head low and said nothing. Chen asked him if he understood what he said. The officer covered his mouth and whispered, “I’m listening! Our supervisor doesn’t allow us to talk to you. There are surveillance cameras above us. I agree to quit the Chinese Communist Party. Thank you!”

“You Need to Call Me or Text Me Every Month”

Before practitioner Dong was released, officer Qin said, “I don’t have many demands for you, but I do insist that you call or send me a text every month. Then I won’t harass you at home.”

Not wanting to cooperate with the police, Dong never called Qin. Qin contacted him a few more times and Dong still ignored him. Qin later hinted that he understood the facts and didn’t intend to harass Dong. Dong realized that he shouldn’t run away from Qin. He began to send Qin text messages with facts about Falun Dafa. Qin always responded positively. As he promised, he never harassed Dong again.