Image for article Toronto Canada: Western Falun Dafa Practitioners Share Their Thoughts on the Peaceful Appeal 25 Years Ago

"Just like on April 25 of that year, over the years, Falun Gong practitioners never used violence when facing injustice. People can feel from our words and deeds that we are a group of good people with integrity, kindness and perseverance.”

Image for article 51-Year-Old Tianjin Woman on Criminal Detention for Her Faith, Having Previously Been Incarcerated 5.5 Years

Though Ms. Li Ping developed physical symptoms after a torturous force-feeding while detained, she was denied medical parole because she was "not near-death yet."

Image for article Philadelphia, U.S.A.: Falun Dafa Welcomed at La Salle University Cultural Event

Practitioners introduced Falun Dafa and taught the exercises to interested students at the university's annual Global Language and Cultures Awareness Week.

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